Mid Michigan Writers, Inc.
The Oldest Writers Group in Northern Michigan
Questions? Email midmichiganwriters@gmail.com
Words from an author on writing
An interesting writing experience with a Michigan authors. This is free! https://facebook.com/events/s/writing-workshop-with-svsu-dow/186...
Five-minute build-a-character challenge
Best-selling author and MMW member Diane Hammond created this wonderful exercise for everyone. Do this VERY QUICKLY. Hear the answers in...
Five-minute build-a-character challenge
Best-selling author and MMW member Diane Hammond created this wonderful exercise for everyone. Do this VERY QUICKLY. Hear the answers in...
War in Pieces: Festival of One Act Plays
Getting some advertisement ahead of opening night! https://richmondmagazine.com/arts-entertainment/stage-screen/mighty-pen-project-war-in...
What is Writer Success?
At the February Writers Happy Hour the question was posed, “What would make you successful as a writer?” I gave my standard knee-jerk...
Fact of Fiction? The Legend of the QWERTY Keyboard
What came first: the typist or the keyboard? The answer may surprise you. Jimmy Stamp/Article from the Smithsonian Magazine May 3, 2013...
Article from the New Yorker Magazine: Can "Distraction Free" Devices change the way we write
The digital age enabled productivity but invited procrastination. Now writers are rebelling against their word processors. By Julian...