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Join date: Jan 26, 2021


After taking a few writing courses and placing first in a couple of writing contests, I decided to take my professor's advice and find a writing group. In 1996, I joined Mid Michigan Writers and have been an active member ever since.

In those years, I have dabbled in fiction, short stories, script writing, poetry, grant writing, song parodies and blogs. My process starts in my head until it gets so full that words finally spill out onto the page.

My favorite quote: "It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." Mark Twain

And what about truth? The only truth I know for sure is the truth in my writing. The characters are fictional but the behavior cannot be made up, and in that accuracy I find answers, a shade of light, a glimpse of sense that everything is not black and white. It rarely is.


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Debbie Walker

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